Change the email address used for Access Requests on all SharePoint sites and subsites in a web app using PowerShell

Perhaps you’ve changed SharePoint administrators or a site owner or two recently. Where are the SharePoint site Access Requests they were receiving now going?

This post covers two PowerShell methods of updating the email address used across all sites in bulk:

  • Replace the email address used on ALL sites, no exceptions (reset all requests throughout the web app to be sent to one address)
  • Change all instances of a specific address to a replacement across ALL sites (i.e. replace the former site owner’s address used in 12 sites’ Access Request Settings with the new site owner’s address)

The second method is particularly nice because it eliminates any guesswork involved in wondering where the former admin/owner may have been listed as the recipient.

Replace the email address used on ALL sites

To modify the email address used for all SharePoint sites and subsites in a web app, run the PowerShell script below from a SharePoint server. You’ll need to replace the $webapp and $requestemail values at the top.

Caution: This action cannot be undone. It replaces the Access Request email on all sites and subsites.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
$webapp = Get-SPWebApplication  
$requestemail = ""   
foreach($site in $webapp.Sites)  
   foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)  
     $url = $web.url  
     Write-host "Checking "$url  
     if (!$web.HasUniquePerm)  
            Write-Host "Site inherits Access Request settings from parent." -ForegroundColor Yellow  
            Write-Host "Site utilizes Access Requests."   
            $web.RequestAccessEmail = $requestemail  
            Write-Host "Email changed to " $requestemail -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "Site is not utilizing Access Requests." -ForegroundColor Yellow  
   }  }

Replace all instances of a specific user across all sites in the web app

Perhaps a particular individual left their site owner/admin role and you just want to replace any instance of THAT user in Access Request settings throughout the web app. In that case use the following script instead (updating the three parameters at the top, $webapp, $oldrequestemail, and $newrequestemail):

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

$webapp = Get-SPWebApplication
$oldrequestemail = ""  
$newrequestemail = ""   

foreach($site in $webapp.Sites)  
   foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)  
        $url = $web.url  
          Write-host "Checking "$url  
          if (!$web.HasUniquePerm)  
                 Write-Host "Site inherits Access Request settings from parent." -ForegroundColor Yellow  
                   if($web.RequestAccessEmail -eq $oldrequestemail)
            Write-Host "Site utilizes Access Requests sent to old email ("$web.RequestAccessEmail")." -ForegroundColor Red
            $web.RequestAccessEmail = $newrequestemail  
            Write-Host "Email changed to" $newrequestemail -ForegroundColor Green
                    Write-Host "Email ("$web.RequestAccessEmail") does not match old email address. No change made." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "Site is not utilizing Access Requests." -ForegroundColor Yellow  


Note: If you’ve changed the Access Request recipient and the new person is receiving a “Sorry, this site hasn’t been shared with you” error when attempting to approve requests, check out this post for help.

Credit and gratitude to Ketak Bhalsing and his post on bulk-updating for pointing me in the right direction on this one.

6 Replies to “Change the email address used for Access Requests on all SharePoint sites and subsites in a web app using PowerShell”

  1. Does this work just at the top level, or can I specify a site collection? Meaning for the “Replace the email address used on ALL sites”; I have a SP 2013 classic site I’ve migrated to SP Online. It is one site collection of MANY, and I don’t want to change the access request email for the other site collections.
    To ask more simply, can I limit changing the access request email to name]?

    1. This specific post is for bulk-updating but you can do it for a single site collection by following these steps:
      1) Go to
      2) Click Access Request Settings at the top
      3) Change email and save

      If the URL in #1 isn’t working for you, go to your site’s advanced permissions settings page (in a modern team site, that’s settings > site permissions > advanced permissions settings).

  2. Hi. How do you create permissions in SharePoint that will only allow users to respond to an OOTB workflow on a SP List without allowing them to delete content, change list views, edit the page, etc.

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