How to change Windows 11 task bar alignment to left instead of center

Windows 11 is an incredible operating system and I’ve personally enjoyed using it since its launch without any issues. I have found that it hasn’t taken away from any of my important abilities and, in fact, has added several enhancements that can actually help boost my output more (such as Clock’s Focus Sessions).

One of the Windows 11 changes I get asked about a lot is the taskbar alignment. In Windows 10, the taskbar aligned left by default and Windows 11 center aligns it. Some users who are more comfortable with a left alignment have asked how to “put it back.” This post will show you how.

How to left-align Windows 11 taskbar icons

  1. Right-click blank space on your taskbar and choose Taskbar settings -OR- navigate via your start menu to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar.
  2. Expand the Taskbar behaviors section near the bottom and find the setting for Taskbar alignment.
Click to enlarge

3. Use the dropdown to change Center to Left. Your change is made immediately and you can close Settings.

Curious what else is new in Windows 11? Check out this page of Windows 11 tips, tricks, and features.

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