Solution: “The embed code is invalid because the source of the embed content is not allowed” error when embedding Microsoft Stream video in SharePoint

A user recently ran into the following error when attempting to embed a Microsoft Stream video on a SharePoint 2016 site:

“The embed code is invalid because the source of the embed content is not allowed.”

To resolve this, you must be a site collection administrator.

Go to site settings and select “HTML Field Security” under “Site Collection Administration.”

By default, SharePoint allows embeds from YouTube, Bing, Vimeo, and Microsoft but we need to add to the list.

Now try to embed your video again, and it will work.

Use Microsoft Stream to live stream your events

I just found out that Microsoft Stream now allows users to live stream events (preview). Once an event is finished, the recorded stream includes face detection so users can skip ahead to a certain speaker as well as automatic and searchable closed captions. Whenever you have an opportunity to stop paying for a third party product and use what you get included in your tenant, I think it’s worth giving it a try.

Note: Video tutorial at bottom of post.

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