Export a report of all SharePoint lists, libraries, discussion boards, calendars, and more from all site collections with PowerShell

Photo by Tiger Lily from Pexels

I wanted to get an idea of how many people were using discussion boards in my SharePoint Server environment and in what sites. I modified a script I found to create the sort of inventory list I needed and ended with a script that:

  • Provides a list within PowerShell of each URL, site name, and list name found matching a specific list type.
  • Provides a total count and save location confirmation at the end.
  • Exports a CSV file of the details to a specified location.

Find the Template ID for the list you’re searching for

List template ID options are as follows, taken from this Docs article. You’ll need the Template ID of the type of list you wish to search in your SharePoint environment.

List template typeTemplate IDBase typeDescription
Custom List1000A basic list that can be adapted for multiple purposes.
Document Library1011Contains a list of documents and other files.
Survey1024Fields (2) on a survey list represent questions that are asked of survey participants. Items in a list represent a set of responses to a survey.
Links1030Contains a list of hyperlinks and their descriptions.
Announcements1040Contains a set of simple announcements.
Contacts1050Contains a list of contacts used for tracking people in a site (2).
Calendar1060Contains a list of single and recurring events. An events list has special views for displaying events on a calendar.
Tasks1070Contains a list of items that represent finished and pending work items.
Discussion Board1080Contains discussions entries and their replies.
Picture Library1091Contains a library adapted for storing and viewing digital pictures.
DataSources1101Contains data connection description files.
Form Library1151Contains XML documents. An XML form library can also contain templates for displaying and editing XML files through forms, as well as rules for specifying how XML data is converted to and from list items.
No Code Workflows1171Contains additional workflow definitions that describe new processes that can be used in lists. These workflow definitions do not contain advanced code-based extensions.
Custom Workflow Process1180Contains a list used to support custom workflow process actions.
Wiki Page Library1191Contains a set of editable Web pages.
CustomGrid1200Contains a set of list items with a grid-editing view.
No Code Public Workflows1221A gallery for storing workflow definitions that do not contain advanced code-based extensions.
Workflow History1400Contains a set of history items for instances of workflows.
Project Tasks1500Contains a list of tasks with specialized views of task data in the form of Gantt chart.
Public Workflows External List6000An external list for viewing the data of an external content type.
Issues Tracking11005Contains a list of items to track issues.
Table of list template IDs taken from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/sharepoint_protocols/ms-wssts/8bf797af-288c-4a1d-a14b-cf5394e636cf.

Modify the PowerShell script to suit your needs

Once you have the list template ID you wish to query from the table above, modify the PowerShell script found below as follows:

  1. Replace the $ListTemplateId variable value with your desired template ID.
  2. Replace the -WebApplication parameter’s URL value with your own SharePoint web app address.
  3. Replace the $saveCSVLocation value inside the double-quotes with the path to where you’d like the export to be written.

Get all SharePoint list types in one report

Want it all? You could modify the script by replacing -eq $ListTemplateId on line 15 with -gt 0. Then replace line 21 with:

@{Site=$web.Title;ListName=$list.Title;Type=$list.BaseTemplate;URL=($web.Url + "/" + $i.DefaultView.Url)}) | % { New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru }

And replace line 25 with:

write-Output ($web.Title + "," + $list.Title + "," + $list.BaseTemplate + "," + $web.Url + "/" + $i.DefaultView.Url) | Out-File $SaveLocationFinal -Append

Now your report will include all list types, and an added column to specify that list type. Note that this will take a while to run in larger environments.

You could also modify the script to only display in PowerShell (delete lines 23-25 and 31-33) or only export to CSV (delete lines 19-22 and 31-33) but I wanted both outputs for my purposes.

Idea: Take it further with Power BI

Take this to the next level by automating the PowerShell script to run on a schedule exporting results to a folder Power BI reads on an automatic refresh. This is an easy way to get a hands-off dashboard of SharePoint usage by list type.

Change the email address used for Access Requests on all SharePoint sites and subsites in a web app using PowerShell

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Perhaps you’ve changed SharePoint administrators or a site owner or two recently. Where are the SharePoint site Access Requests they were receiving now going?

This post covers two PowerShell methods of updating the email address used across all sites in bulk:

  • Replace the email address used on ALL sites, no exceptions (reset all requests throughout the web app to be sent to one address)
  • Change all instances of a specific address to a replacement across ALL sites (i.e. replace the former site owner’s address used in 12 sites’ Access Request Settings with the new site owner’s address)

The second method is particularly nice because it eliminates any guesswork involved in wondering where the former admin/owner may have been listed as the recipient.

Replace the email address used on ALL sites

To modify the email address used for all SharePoint sites and subsites in a web app, run the PowerShell script below from a SharePoint server. You’ll need to replace the $webapp and $requestemail values at the top.

Caution: This action cannot be undone. It replaces the Access Request email on all sites and subsites.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
$webapp = Get-SPWebApplication https://sharepoint.contoso.com  
$requestemail = "new-request-recipient@demo.com"   
foreach($site in $webapp.Sites)  
   foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)  
     $url = $web.url  
     Write-host "Checking "$url  
     if (!$web.HasUniquePerm)  
            Write-Host "Site inherits Access Request settings from parent." -ForegroundColor Yellow  
            Write-Host "Site utilizes Access Requests."   
            $web.RequestAccessEmail = $requestemail  
            Write-Host "Email changed to " $requestemail -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "Site is not utilizing Access Requests." -ForegroundColor Yellow  
   }  }

Replace all instances of a specific user across all sites in the web app

Perhaps a particular individual left their site owner/admin role and you just want to replace any instance of THAT user in Access Request settings throughout the web app. In that case use the following script instead (updating the three parameters at the top, $webapp, $oldrequestemail, and $newrequestemail):

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

$webapp = Get-SPWebApplication https://sharepoint.contoso.com
$oldrequestemail = "old-request-email@contoso.com"  
$newrequestemail = "new-request-email@contoso.com"   

foreach($site in $webapp.Sites)  
   foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)  
        $url = $web.url  
          Write-host "Checking "$url  
          if (!$web.HasUniquePerm)  
                 Write-Host "Site inherits Access Request settings from parent." -ForegroundColor Yellow  
                   if($web.RequestAccessEmail -eq $oldrequestemail)
            Write-Host "Site utilizes Access Requests sent to old email ("$web.RequestAccessEmail")." -ForegroundColor Red
            $web.RequestAccessEmail = $newrequestemail  
            Write-Host "Email changed to" $newrequestemail -ForegroundColor Green
                    Write-Host "Email ("$web.RequestAccessEmail") does not match old email address. No change made." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "Site is not utilizing Access Requests." -ForegroundColor Yellow  


Note: If you’ve changed the Access Request recipient and the new person is receiving a “Sorry, this site hasn’t been shared with you” error when attempting to approve requests, check out this post for help.

Credit and gratitude to Ketak Bhalsing and his post on bulk-updating for pointing me in the right direction on this one.

Disable modern page comments globally for all sites in SharePoint 2019 and SharePoint Online

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Those of you with Office 365/SharePoint Online have a simple path to disabling modern page commenting via the admin center. But for those of you, like myself, who also work in SharePoint 2019, your method involves PowerShell and is a bit more laborious. In this post, I’ll cover both methods: Disabling comments via PowerShell for SharePoint 2019 (server) and then via the admin center for SharePoint Online (O365).

Firstly, why disallow commenting altogether instead of giving site owners and page editors the choice? Some organizations have compliance regulations that require any sort of conversational transaction to meet certain criteria. Perhaps you only need to disable commenting temporarily while you build a case to prove compliance. Or perhaps you’ve determined it’s not compliant or have some other reason for wishing to globally disable page comments.

No matter your reasoning, here’s the how:

Disable modern page/news comments globally in SharePoint 2019 via PowerShell

The script below will iterate through all site collections in a web application, and all of the subsites within each site collection, and turn off page comments for sites that haven’t already had them disabled. This does not delete page comments. If you re-enable the feature later, the comments that were there previously will be restored.

Log onto a SharePoint server and run the following PowerShell script, replacing the site URL with your own web app’s URL:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-SPWebApplication "https://sharepoint.contoso.com" | Get-SPSite –Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All | ForEach-Object {
    if($_.CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled = "False")
        $_.CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled = $True
        Write-Host "Disabled page comments on " $_.URL -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "Page comments already disabled on " $_.URL -ForegroundColor Yellow

If you want a read-out to validate current status (False = not disabled, True = disabled), you can run the following script (again, replacing the URL with the web app of your own):

Get-SPWebApplication "https://sharepoint.contoso.com" | Get-SPSite –Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host $_.CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled $_.URL

Disable modern page/news comments globally in SharePoint Online/O365

1. Go to the SharePoint admin center at yourdomain-admin.sharepoint.com and select Settings from the left navigation menu.

2. Select Pages.

3. Uncheck Allow commenting on modern pages and click Save.

How to clear the SharePoint Server configuration cache using PowerShell

If you have several servers in your SharePoint Server (on-premises) farm, repeating the manual steps for clearing the configuration cache on each can be time consuming. PowerShell really shines in situations like these to help us be more productive and efficient.

The following PowerShell script can be used to clear the SharePoint configuration cache on a server. I’ve recently tested this on SharePoint 2019 servers with success. Just be sure to run it on each server for which you’re clearing the cache, then remember to go back to each and press “ENTER” in each PowerShell window as the script instructs you so that it restarts the timer service after all servers have had their cache cleared.

This script follows the same steps you’d perform manually. It loads the SP snap-in if needed, stops the timer service, deletes the xml files in the Config directory, sets the cache.ini file’s value to 1 to reset the cache, then restarts the timer service (once you press Enter).

Clear SharePoint configuration cache using PowerShell

  1. Run PowerShell as administrator (right-click, run as administrator).
  2. Copy and paste the following script, making no changes to its contents. It will work as-is.
  3. Hit Enter to run the script (unless using ISE, then click “Run”).
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each SharePoint server on which you’re clearing the cache.
  5. When this has run on all SharePoint servers you wish, go back to each and hit Enter in PowerShell to restart the timer service on each.

Solution: “Database Connector has throttled the response” error on external list in SharePoint

Applies to SharePoint 2016, can be adapted for O365

If you’re connecting to an external list of significant size, you may run into the following error:

Database Connector has throttled the response. The response from database contains more than ‘2000’ rows. The maximum number of rows that can be read through Database Connector is ‘2000’. The limit can be changed via the ‘Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig’ cmdlet.

1. Log into your SharePoint server

2. Open your SharePoint 2016 Management Shell as administrator (right-click, run as administrator)

3. Connect to your site

Connect-Site -url https://sharepoint.contoso.com

4. Get ALL service application Proxy IDs (you’ll need this in a later step)


5. Note the ID of the “Business Data Con…” application

6. Set a new variable “$serviceapp” to that app using the ID you noted as its identity

$serviceapp = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy -Identity a12b3cf4-d12j...

7. Run the following cmdlet to increase the throttle limit

Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Scope Database -ThrottleType Items -ServiceApplicationProxy $serviceapp | Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Maximum 1000000000 -Default 500000

Your external list will now load correctly!

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