Introducing the “File Upload” question type for Microsoft Forms

I received a message yesterday in my message center announcing “File Upload” as a new question type coming to Microsoft Forms soon. It’s currently listed as “In development” to be released this month. The message is as follows:

Click to enlarge

Why is this awesome?

This highly anticipated feature makes Forms more competitive with third-party form solutions such as Survey Gizmo and Survey Monkey.

Where will the files go? Group forms are stored in SharePoint, while personal forms are stored in your OneDrive.

As a form creator, you’re able to configure the following restrictions on the “File Upload” question type:

  • Max number of files
  • Max size of files
  • Accepted file types

You might use this question type in endless new ways, but here are some usage ideas:

  • Contract review requests
  • Solicit resume and cover letter uploads from internal candidates
  • Video and photo contests
  • Headshot updates
  • Data analytics requests
  • Writing competitions
  • Newsletter and marketing media submissions (articles, photos, videos, etc.)

Update 12/15/2019: File upload not available for external forms. Only available when form is set to “Only people in my organization can respond.” This may impact your usage ideas. Thanks to my friend Phil Worrell for sharing this.

Image courtesy of Phil Worrell (@Worrelpa) – Click to enlarge

Stay updated

If you’re like me, you’re likely to just make a form one day and notice the new “File Upload” option has become available. But for those of you wanting to know the minute it’s released, keep an eye on your message center. If you’re not an admin you can watch the roadmap for updates:

Roadmap item 59334:

2 Replies to “Introducing the “File Upload” question type for Microsoft Forms”

  1. Could you explain how to make a power automate for getting a form with two files uploaded and put into a sharepoint with two colums (one for the first url´s files and the second colum for secondth url´s file). Thanks

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